Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Blog Assignment 3-Respond To The Exhibition

In this week, we visited the Te Tuhi exhibition and appreciated some art works. What I learned from those works is to feel the power of words, alphabets and characters. Sometimes we can see a hand drawing illustration of a story or on the cover of a book, and this illustration can be a presentation of the story. However, we can also draw words(not write) to represent art and let the literature become alive, and some artists draw words on some different and special carriers, like wall, window, body, glass, all these things will definitely give audiences a totally new visual impact. The New Zealand artist John Reynolds, I have see most of his artworks, and I even saw the John's art exhibition when I traveled to Wellington. He using text and other objects to describe majority of his work, like the one I saw in Wellington, there were thousands of little white cubes which were written were sticked vertically on a huge wall. I was really amazed by that one and that is my first time when I truly felt the fascination of collecting art and the power of text and materials. I think this is a totally new way to describe art. Because most of artists normally use color, line or concrete shape to represent their ideas. And this let me change the way of seeing arts. So, artists' job is to let people experience new representations which may uncomfortable for old way of seeing things but may eventually satisfy those senses. It's a job to always create something new.

In this exhibition, what I really keen on are the Black Market Next to My Name, by Daniel Malone and the Found Time: Big Ben, by McAlpine. The first one Daniel uses a text collecting way to represent the entire content of his life. It's really a fantastic artwork because it gives me a filled, massy and dense feeling when I looking at the text drew an the wall.

The another one is Found Time: Big Ben, I think to accomplish this, a artist need to spend plenty of time to collect materials and objects. I really like the design of the work's consist, each of the time spot displayed by The Big Ben were collected as a whole. And in this way, the Found Time: Big Ben has more convincingness and expressive force than just drawing a Big Ben or take some photographs.

To make this kind of art work, we should try to be a good art collector, we need to go to visit galleries as many as we can and collect useful information related to our ideas or enhance art mastery. We can also collect and amass some objects from normal life and put those connected objects together and practice more about it, that's when you get a collection artwork.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Chris,

    This is a good start but feels a bit short. Some extra research would help. Also, try to talk about more than one artwork from the exhibition.

