Colonialism means a country compulsorily oppress and control another country's military, economic and culture. However, post colonialism means not just rob another nation's culture, economic, but also reconstruct economic, culture and politics of injured countries and conform their wealth to suzerain's own construction. With the development of post colonialism, the majority of the indigenous art and culture in the third world has been assimilated and some of them became popular on the global society. So, black, yellow and white people started living together and than another problem came out which is especially always happened in western world- the racialism.
Because of the post colonialism, many things appear on society include art strongly impacted. Some classy or traditional custom affected by some new habit from other countries. And for protecting the tradition or with other purpose, some racists reject black skin color people, letting them do many hard work or even treat those labours just as an animal . For example, in old United States, some public places are not available for black people or even African American and this event actually still appear at present. To expose this unfair social problem, many indigenous artists are using contemporary art present those untold stories.
Adrian Piper, the first generation conceptual artist in New York city who did drew some great art works about her gaze to the race. Like the one, Self-Portrait Exaggerating my Negroid Features, 1981. This is a insinuative self-portrait. In this drawing, the image presented an African American long hair woman. Piper designedly emphasize the big nose, full lips and hair and telling us she views herself as an African American woman. If viewers watch this image, they wouldn't just realise that they are watching a African woman, they will think about the people usually view her as a white woman but in fact she is a black woman, in this race ignore society, will she still have equal treatment or not.
Another work which present problem of racism is the video: Wog Features, directed by Lisa Reihana , in this video, people can see many black person toys, some black people are performing on the stage or strangely laughing each other or playing together, and elements and stuff about minority nationalities keep making up different patterns which transfer racist imagery. the technology Reihana use in the video, just like the American animation film: Chicken Run. This is different way to look at the minority race, letting people consider the racism society we are living and question people's previous attitude about those indigenous people who are having unfair treatment.
Thanks Chris, this is in-depth, and thoughtful, and includes further research. Good work!